The team has no paid staff. We are all volunteers from all walks of life brought together with a passion to serve the very special athletes of the Skihawks Team.
Find out more about yourself by being an active Skihawks Coach or Volunteer Support. What you get in return will amaze you!
The SKIHAWKS are always looking for new volunteers to help out the team. You don't need prior experience to help out.
(Scroll down for more info.)

Volunesia (noun) : the moment that you forget you are volunteering to help change lives, because it's changing yours.
(Author unknown)
During the snow sports practice season, Skihawks partner up with Outdoors for All.
Outdoors for All (along with Skihawks leadership) manages all of the ski school logistics for the regular weekly on-snow practices and transportation.
To become a winter sports volunteer coach, bus chaperone, or race course setter, you need to Register with Outdoors for All and the Skihawks Racing Team.
Please click the button below and fill out the volunteer form for Skihawks Racing Team.
To register for Outdoors for All: Please visit the Outdoors for All Foundation website at https://outdoorsforall.org/registration/ for registration information. Be sure to complete all of Outdoors for All training and deadlines!